Friday, November 18, 2011

It's sad to see cultural treasures on the ropes...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Town Scryer: A Different Kind Of Funeral

The Town Scryer: A Different Kind Of Funeral: "Holy Smoke is just the thing for when the avid hunter or gun collector in your family passes. From their web site : Several years ago I wa..."

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

PBS's Frontline: the Meth Epedemic

I advocate watching this, because it's a non-hysterical look at the nuts and bolts of how meth use developed in the US.

It has historical value.  It will certainly forewarm parents.  It can also give the viewer a snapshot of the '80s and '90s on the West Coast.

Of course, Frontline is an excellent program regardless of the subject matter...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ye Giggling Gawdz!

This is a pretty frightening idea, given how dangerous most drivers are in a two-dimensional setting.  Adding a Z axis will probably not end well...


Say something nice to someone important to you that you maybe take for granted...They won't always be there, leaving suddenly important stuff unsaid.

...and maybe raise a toast to Absent Friends.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Thinking a lot about "freedom" and "responsibility" of late.  Also, digging deep on the ongoing questiuon of what does and doesn't matter when the context of life starts shifting...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

This could be "Interesting"...., offerred as stimulus to contemplation.

French woman sues Opus Dei over brainwashing

Where is the line between sharing faith, politics, etc. and being a mental conquistador?  When is it no longer bringing up your children in a tradition, but becomes negative, even anti-social, programming? 

Heavy Stuff...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Yeah, that about covers it anymore...

the Saga of Bjorn

Tripped over this online a while back; I think it was on FARK, but can't recall for sure.  What matters is it's the tightest, funniest sucks-to-be-me I've seen since Scrat the Sabre-Fanged Squirrell Thingee.  In true Kinnisonian schadenfreud, one laughs because it beats weepeing... and then one laughs 'til one weeps.

Dude, that's cold!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ah, that's MUCH better!

Thanks to the Town Scryer's help ( I have resolved my seemingly randomly recalcitrant links and why the ads weren't showing.

Yeah, I know ads are annoying.  However, if you'd be kind enough to ping opne now and again, I will actually make a few pence therefrom, which is especially nice this close to the fourth anniversary of my being laid off (and not yet finding poaying work).  I thank y'all for your benevolence ahead of time...

I am contemplating doing the occasional odd post in the form of links to other sites I find useful/amusing/etc.  If you feel strongly yea or nay on this idea, please say so in comments...

Evil phrases of the day:

Sailor Palin (not quite the same as Sarah Palin, because she appeals also to Otaku);

Michelle Bachman (Stomach) Turner Overdrive (if you're "with the band")....

 It has been queried that if Sailor Palin appeals to Otaku, where are the tentacles? My reply: Dick cheney. =ba-dum-ching=

Friday, June 17, 2011

cross-posted from a Facebook rant that hasn't cooled yet.
New Orleans, Louisiana (CNN) -- Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann explained her skepticism of evolution on Friday and said students should be taught the theory of intelligent design.
Rant begins:
Put succinctly, "ohHELLno!" I'll no more approve of ID in schools than I would abstinancy-only sex ed (parenthood prep), showings of "the Handmaid's Tale" or field trips to the "Intelligent Design Museaum." Religion should be private, in one's home or house of worship. SCIENCE trumps Creationism in that it provides a chain of evidence and teaches scientific method, which works in the real world.
I do not mean to be seen as attacking the Creation story as an assault on Christian heritage or upon those who practice their faith in a Christ-like way. One faith's traditions are as valid as any other's. I _DO_, however, stand opposed to the use of a government-maintained, taxpayer-funded institution -public schools- as an indoctrination machine for those for whom their faith is something that must be inflicted upon others. That didn't work when it was practiced on the American Indians, or the Australian Aboriginies... let's take a lesson from history. School = school. Church = church N'er the twain shall meet.
We have faith-based schools as an alternative to public schools for a reason.

Rant ends. 

I would have liked to hear of this...

...the day it happened!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Not Safe for Work language in a statement by a New York State Senator:

I know that much isn't unusual, but what he's saying is interesting enough to point y'all at it.

My position on the issue?  Let non-heterosexuals marry if they want to.  They are citizens and taxpayers and people, and should be allowed to practice milestone rituals like marriage.  To those who are against non-traditional marriage, I say: "Don't have one."

This issue is not about protecting a tradition so that it may be passed down to our descendants intact and somehow sacred.  Marriage in this country has already been dragged down a lot of harsh road long enough to be scraps and tatters of what it could be... for those who actually honour the institution.

This fight is about preserving the illusion of control over this nation's evolution, and the threat changes trigger in some sectors of the populace.

To those who say "God" says gays shouldn't get married, I suggest a return to all the "do" exhortations from Diety and Prophets -via your sacred texts- instead of a lifetime spent raging against one of the "don't" concepts.  I won't say whether that specific article of faith is valid or not, because I'm not in charge of those religions.  I speak only for myself.

Besides, this is America.  Your fellow citizens are honour-bounbd to respect your freedom of religion, so maybe you should honour their freedom from your religion.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Disappointing those hard-workin' youngsters that way? Boot to the Head.*

WASILLA:  When members of Wasilla High School's symphonic jazz choir heard Friday it wouldn't be singing the popular Queen hit "Bohemian Rhapsody" at this year's graduation ceremony after working on it all year, the students couldn't get their heads around it.

WHS Principal Dwight Probasco reportedly had received complaints from at least one parent that the 1975 hit written by Freddie Mercury wasn't appropriate for the ceremony simply because Mercury was gay.

Say WHAT?!?

*may require multiple cycles for the thicker skulled

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Unforgettable word for today:


Link found through FARK:

Meet the Boast Busters, a dedicated core of men and women committed to exposing Navy SEAL imposters

Public humilliation is only the beginning, hopefully, for the imposters.  I have similar -if more intense- loathing for those who decide to falsly claim having received the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Monday, June 13, 2011
